Written by Gustave - Updated on Dec 9, 2024
Would you like to know what First Communion really means? And exactly what steps you need to take to best organize this celebration?
Our team has looked into the subject. In a nutshell:
First Communion is considered a festive occasion. It signifies that children have studied and understood, to the best of their ability, the mystery of transubstantiation. They've understood the transformation of the substance of ordinary bread and wine into the substance of Christ's body and blood.
As you progress in your reading, you will discover:
- The clear meaning of First Communion,
- When and where First Communion takes place,
- How is the First Communion ceremony organized?
Let's get to the heart of the matter!
What is First Communion?
First Communion is a religious ceremony celebrated in the Catholic Church. It is celebrated by Catholics when a child takes the bread and wine, also known as the Eucharist, for the first time. The bread and wine symbolize the body and blood of Christ.
After this special occasion, the child is able to accept the bread and wine at Catholic mass (church services). He or she is more deeply initiated into the Catholic Church. The child must have been baptized before his or her First Communion.
Origins of First Communion
The Last Supper celebrated by Jesus Christ with the twelve apostles is considered to be the origin of this ritual, “First Communion”. As aceremonial and sacramentalact, it originated in the 13th century, more precisely in 1215. First communion came into being when the Council of Letran decided that only children who had reached “the age of discretion, between twelve and fourteen, could receive this sacrament”. In the 13th and 17th centuries, First Communion was a socially unnoticed act.
It was unnoticed because children were not considered relevant subjects in medieval society. It was only after the Counter-Reformation that the ceremony took on greater importance. In response to the Lutheran Reformation which, from the outset, placed much greater value on minors, it became an important event in Homme's life. Over the course of the twentieth century, First Communion has become a very important ceremony in the lives of Catholics.
What is the significance of First Communion?
First Communion is considered one of the holiest and most important occasions in the life of a Roman Catholic. It means that this person has received the sacrament of the Eucharist, the body and blood of Jesus Christ. Most Catholic children receive their First Communion at the age of seven or eight, as this is considered the age of reason. Others may take communion for the first time when they have met all the Church's requirements. First Communion is a very important and holy day for Catholic children.
It's a very special day, because it's the first time they receive the body and blood of Christ. By continuing to receive Holy Communion for the rest of their Christian lives, Catholics follow the same path with the Lord Jesus Christ. These Catholic children believe from First Communion that they will share Christ's eternal life. On the day of First Communion, and every time they receive Communion thereafter, participants must, out of respect for the body and blood of Christ, observe another rule. At least one hour before receiving the sacrament, they must fast, i.e. they may not eat any food.
Water and medication, however, are exceptions. After First Communion, young Catholics must attend church every Sunday, and are encouraged to take communion frequently, even weekly. If a person has missed Sunday mass without good reason, or has committed a mortal sin, that person is expected to go to confession before receiving communion again. Most Catholics go to confession at least once a year, usually during Lent.
Does everyone deserve First Communion?
For anyone to receive communion, they must be sinless and in a state of grace. Traditionally, Catholic grandchildren make their first confession, or sacrament of penance, a week before receiving their First Communion. At confession, the child details sins and misdeeds to a priest, and receives a penance in return.
The penance usually consists of several prayers to be recited immediately on leaving the confessional. Once the child has been absolved of sin, she is ready to make her First Communion. Confession is not the only condition for receiving the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. The sacrament of Baptism must also have been received. A child, or anyone else, who has not been baptized cannot receive Holy Communion.
If the child is baptized, he or she usually begins studying for First Communion in first grade. Children who do not attend a Catholic school attendreligious instruction classes after school or at weekends. In most cases, for young children, at least two years of religious education are required before they can take communion for the first time.
Where and when does a First Communion ceremony take place?
First Communion takes place in the Catholic Church as part of a “First Communion Mass”. It's a special celebration that involves several children (the communicants) receiving the sacrament at the same time, in a service open to the whole community.
The children are prepared for their special day by attending a series of classes at the local church or Catholic school. They will also have attended mass regularly. First Communion Mass is usually held on a Saturday or Sunday, and often from May to July.
The importance of First Communion in the Catholic Church
First Eucharist or First Communion is the common name for a person's first reception of the sacrament of the Eucharist. Roman Catholics recognize the importance of this event because the Eucharist is the central point of the sacramental life of the Catholic Church.
A child, baptized into the family of God, now takes his or her place at the Lord's table. This is an important event for the child, the family and the parish community as a whole.
Who can attend a child's First Communion?
Family, godparents and friends of the family will be invited to celebrate, as well as the religious community that meets weekly. The child will be dressed, girls in a pretty white dress and veil, boys in a suit or suit jacket.
Anyone attending a First Communion should dress appropriately for church modestly and smartly, but not too smartly. Men's sports jackets or elegant shirts and pants are perfect. A pretty dress or top and skirt for women are ideal.
Duration and events during First Communion in the Catholic Church
Mass will last about an hour, although this can vary, sometimes up to 90 minutes. It will include prayers, hymns, readings, bidding prayers and communion proper.
Children will receive their Holy Communion first, then all the other faithful will also be invited to receive Communion. If you're not Catholic, you can simply remain seated at this stage.
How should I prepare for First Communion?
Sacramental preparation for First Communion generally begins at age 7, or usually in the2nd year of catechism, and lasts one year. Preparation begins in early autumn and involves both parents and children.
Catechetical instruction in the year immediately preceding the start of the sacramental preparation process is required. There are many opportunities for training in both the Catholic Church.
Communion token
During the celebration of First Communion, if the family still holds the baptismal candle, it is lit to liven up the place. This baptismal candle was held by the godparents at the baptism and is often encouraged to be brought along. Lighting candles is often part of the service.
11 tips for organizing a First Communion
First Communion is an important and precious moment in the lives of faithful young people and their families. It's the first time a child is allowed to receive the Eucharist, after a long process of catechesis.
First Communion can therefore be seen as one of the milestones of “Christian initiation”, along with Baptism and Confirmation. Thus Pope Francis says: “Through this sacrament of love, comes every authentic journey of faith, communion and witness.”
However, First Communion is also a festive occasion, and to make it truly memorable, here are some useful tips.
- Plan your budget
You can organize your budget for a First Communion cake and meals. The quantity of food will depend on who you intend to invite. If you're hosting a group of less than 20 people, you'll prepare most of the dishes yourself.
You can serve a hearty lunch or dinner. Offer your guests communion cupcakes to host a party or also a cake. Make the most of the day and prepare as much food as possible in advance.
- Choose a location or venue
Plan a celebration at home if you're only inviting a small group of friends and family, then create an intimate setting. You can decorate your dining room or hold a party in your garden.
If you're inviting more than 20 people, you should consider renting a space. You can also rent a banquet room in a restaurant to accommodate your guests. If you have a large family or plan to invite your extended family, renting a large space is suggested.
- Clothing for First Communion
Young people about to receive the Lord's Supper are usually given an alb to wear for the ceremony. You can also add a dress to the alb, to be worn at communion or at the reception that follows. In general, the alb should be white and fairly simple in shape.
- Crowns or veils for First Communion
Girls often choose a simple hairstyle, enhanced by a white veil or a crown of flowers and ribbons. Boys, however, wear their hair up to make themselves more handsome.
- First Communion Bonbonnière
Favors will be offered to guests. They will naturally contain confetti and represent a beautiful keepsake for the future. There are many types of First Communion favors in the form of ornaments, small jewels, rosaries, icons and more.
- Communion keepsakes
It's customary for every child to receive a gift on this occasion, something important, especially from a symbolic point of view. A precious keepsake gift for these young school-age children is very important. If you are invited to this ceremony, choose a more pleasing or perhaps personalized First Communion gift.
Even a prayer card can be offered to those grandchildren celebrating their First Communion. A nice edition of the Gospel or Bible, or a prayer book for each child can be a great First Communion gift.
- Reception
This can be organized at home or in a restaurant, and should involve the child and his or her friends, so that they can really associate the day with a very special celebration.
- Communion cake
You can choose from pretty gifts that include angels and crosses. You can also choose a personalized gift that features a photo of the honoree. Even a Bible or rosary are great gifts for First Communion. Small favors that remind guests what they're celebrating and why always work best.
- Photo coverage
Like all great events, First Communion deserves to be remembered and documented with an extensive photo report. If you don't want to rely on a professional, simply rely on the enthusiasm of friends and family.
- Church decoration
As decorations for the church or as a gift for the child, flowers will be an invaluable asset. Strictly white, for tradition, value and religious significance. Pale pink is permitted. Flowers are decorated with simple ribbons. Favorites include calla lilies, white roses, lilies and daisies.
- Photo album
If you want to take your first communion, share this special day with family and friends. Make sure you take enough photos outside after the service for the communion photo album. The family can even bring in a professional photographer.
All you need to know about First Communion
First Communion is known as a celebration of the Catholic Church. It's the first time a member of the faithful participates in the sacrament of the Eucharist. During this event, he or she receives the body and blood of Jesus Christ (First Communion). It is obligatory to receive this communion after the sacraments of Baptism, Penance and Confession.
Confession is not the only condition for receiving the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. The sacrament of Baptism must also have been received. A child, or anyone else, who has not been baptized cannot receive Holy Communion. If the child is baptized, he or she usually begins studying for First Communion in first grade. For this Bible study, it is compulsory to be a catechist for three years. In most cases, for young children, at least two years ofreligious education are required before they can take communion for the first time.